City: State: Zip Code:
Phone: Alternate, Cell:
Social Security Number: XXX-XX- (last 4 digits) Are you 18 years or older?
Can you perform the duties of the job for which you are applying with or without accommodation?YesNo
If No, please explain:
Do you have any relatives or a spouse employed by this organization?YesNo
If Yes, Please provide names:
Name and address of person to be notified in case of an emergency:
First & Last Name: Phone Number:
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?YesNo
(Answering "yes" to this inquiry will not automatically disqualify you.)
Are there any pending felony charges against you?YesNo
(Answering "yes" to this inquiry will not automatically disqualify you.)
Have you ever worked for this organization in the past?YesNo
If yes, did you work under a different name?YesNo
If yes, please list Name(s)
Do you have a valid driver's license?YesNo
Section III: Availability and Interests in Work
Are you applying for a position in Resident CareDietaryHousekeepingAny Available Position?
(Please check which you are applying to work in)
Have you been given a job description for this position?YesNo
Are you interested in full-time or part-time work?Full TimePart Time
On what date are you available to start work?
Section IV: Education
High School
Name, Street, City, State
Did you graduate?YesNo
Name, Street, City, State
Did you graduate?YesNo
If yes, what degree(s) did you obtain?
Business or Trade School
Name, Street, City, State
Did you graduate?YesNo
If yes, what degree(s) did you obtain?
Section V: Professional Licenses, Certifications and Credentials
Do you have any of the following licenses or certifications?
Certified Nurses AidYesNo
If yes, please indicate your license number:
Nursing LicenseYesNo
If yes, please indicate your license number:
Other Job related licenses, certifications or credentialsYesNo
If yes, please provide details:
Section III: Section VI: Employment History
(Please start with current or most recent employer)
Company: Phone Number:
Address: Name of Supervisor:
Position Title: Reason for Leaving:
Employment Dates: (Month/Year)
From: To:
Hourly Pay
Start: Last:
Company: Phone Number:
Address: Name of Supervisor:
Position Title: Reason for Leaving:
Employment Dates: (Month/Year)
From: To:
Hourly Pay
Start: Last:
Company: Phone Number:
Address: Name of Supervisor:
Position Title: Reason for Leaving:
Employment Dates: (Month/Year)
From: To:
Hourly Pay
Start: Last:
May we contact your current supervisor or manager?YesNo
If No, Why?
If yes, who should we call?
Name, Title, Phone
Have any of your previous employers served persons funded through community mental health (CMH) entity?YesNo
If yes, which CMH entities were involved?
Name, Title, Phone
May we contact the employers and CMH entities that you listed above to determine whether you have ever had a recipient rights violation substantiated against you?YesNo
Section VII: References
Please give the names of 2 personal references from persons not related to you, whom you have known for at least 1 year:
Name: Address:
Phone #: Years Known:
Name: Address:
Phone #: Years Known:
Please give the names of 2 professional references from supervisors, managers, administrators, or executive directors form whom you have worked for:
Name: Address:
Phone #: Years Known:
Name: Address:
Phone #: Years Known: